CONTENT="Greer Taylor is an Illawarra based artist producing painting, sculpture and drawings">
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random order

gallery viewTwo person exhibiton:
Alena Kennedy & Greer Taylor

Random Order comments on how nature expresses itself in patterns; the idiosyncratic way a constellation of stars decorates the night sky; how flowers sit on a bush — spaced almost evenly, but not quite. Random Order is the title of a joint exhibition by Illawarra artists Greer Taylor and Alena Kennedy, opening at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre on February view

The works in Random Order comprises paintings primarily, with some sculptural exceptions. Each piece is a result of close observation of the bush and farmlands, in Kennedy’s case; and the planet’s varied wilderness places, in Taylor’s. An artist residency to Antarctica last year imbues Taylor’s stark entries.

Anne Howell - Metamorphmedia 2009


exhibition dates: 7-17 February 2009
@ Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre


Works in show:

To see images of Alena Kennedy's work visit her website