I am everything
I coevolved
you are everything
you coevolved
all life is here
of everything
is not required
is needed
makes sense
needs to be
it all coevolved
I am spider
I am bird
you are snake
you are antelope
I am root
you are tree
I am frog
you are mosquito
we all coevolved
what makes you
makes me
what makes leaf
makes me
what makes a feather
makes you
what makes death
makes me
makes you
makes life
we coevolved
nature knows
we are each other
we become each other
nothing wasted
make grass
plant pulls energy
from the sun
cow eats grass
to feed
the microbes
in her gut
to feed
her own body
enriched residue
passes through
a dung beetle works
to pull the nutrients
into soil
to feed the microbes
who build the soil
to grow more grass
which grows
a seed head
which feeds a bird
all is reciprocity
everything is everything
everything needs everything
everything decays
everything dies
everything is eaten
to become
into something else
is its own ancestor
is your ancestor
what dies
makes life
what lives
with death
requires death
all is reciprocity
requires diversity
requires trust
it is creative
it is emergent
is complexity
on complexity
on complexity
how can we understand?
we can’t
just live being everything
hold being everything
live as if you are everything
because you are
acknowledge death
accept nature has worked it out
(she has been practicing for 3 billion years)
accept we cannot
understand everything
accept nature knows
accept you are part of nature
step aside
allow all that decays
to become again
to become you
to become me
step aside
we cannot control
we coevolved
we cannot know
all the secrets of nature
natures knows all
I am herbivore
that eats the grass
you are predator
that eats me
I eat you
you eat me
it is nature’s way
for 3 billion years
nature has spiralled life
into ever more
vibrant diversity
by allowing death
by inviting death
nature recycles everything
large or very small
eat life
it is nature’s way
large or very small
eat life
it is nature’s way
we eat life
our body eats life
a million microbes
within our skin
on our skin
die each day
to sustain our life
the death of microbe
the death of animal
the death of plant
ensure our life
ensures all life
it all becomes again
to feed you
to feed me
to feed everything
I am everything
the loop must loop
into death
and into life
wishing for eternal life
is wishing for an
eternal end
the loop must loop
land coevolved
with animal
land needs animal
to thrive
plant needs animal
to thrive
animal must die
eaten by you
eaten by predator
overtaken by disease
decayed by age
for life to loop
the loop must loop
all is reciprocity
we coevolved
tree must die
uprooted by wind
shattered by lightening
devoured by age
for life to loop
grass must give its life
to herbivore
for life to loop
nature requires complexity
nature requires diversity
to hold her vibrancy
to ensure resilience
nature requires complexity
nature requires diversity
to be emergent
to be creative
she tests out options
building diversity
growing resilience
nature requires diversity
to ensure her resilience
nature checks
nature balances
to hold the loop looping
so much we don’t know
so much we can’t know
step back
nature knows how
to repair herself
she always has
give her space
allow her pulse to pulse
has capacity
for infinity
we do not
without nature
we cannot
hold infinity
to being
of nature
allow her
capacity for infinity
to be your infinity
allow nature
to nurture
allowing everything
to become everything
to be infinity
we all coevolved
respect all life
all life is you
respect all death
all death is you
surrender into
to all
to all
nature is mystery
nature is brutal
she has to be
yet she is gentle
she is
and fecund
she has to be
nature is
she is simple
(her simplicity is life)
(her complexity is life)
she is chaos
she is order
she is deep
she is full
she is mysterious
she has to be
she holds the thread
of past life
becoming future life
I walk that thread
I coevolved
you walk that thread
you coevolved
as if you are everything
because you are
all life
is your life
all death
is your life
all life
is life
we all coevolved