
translucence, grief tells you what you love teaser image

I have the honour of being asked to again be the Sculptor in Residence at Sculpture in the Gardens 2025 held in the Wollongong Botanic Gardens. translucence: grief tells you what you love  will be chapter 2 of a project begun in 2021 when I was Sculptor in Residence then. That project was called ghost […]

looking in | looking out @ Winmark

Greer Taylor, looking in | looking out, automotive paint on aluminum, stainless steel, 450 x 700 x 1000 cm ( approx)

This work is installed on the grounds of Winmark near Broke in the Upper Hunter Valley in NSW. Winmark features both wine and art — its beautifully tended grounds a sculpture park, featuring many large works. Winmark  is open to the public most days. Find details HERE statement looking in | looking out dances across […]

holding infinity – Wollombi

Greer Taylor, holding infinity, painted steel, aluminium, PVC thread

see images below holding infinity was installed at Sculpture in the Vineyards: Wollombi Sculpture Festival in a forest setting — like portal in a forest. A reminder of our relationship to the living world. The colours were inverted from its previous install  (see HERE) (swapping the pink and orange) — it was interesting to observe […]

ephemeral artworks in wild places

Greer Taylor, fallen gum flowers floated on after-rain pond in a closed loop

There are two aspects to my ‘wild-place practice’: small ephemeral artworks, seen below, and writing, made during visits to wild places. These works are a response to a moment in time in the cycle of life in a wild place. Nature is engrossed in an ever-becoming cycle and the work I make intercepts that cycle, […]

ephemeral artworks nature+human made

Greer Taylor, fallen leaves arranged into grid of viewing platform

While I most usually make ephemeral works in wild places, I sometimes find myself making works where nature-made elements interact with human-made sites and materials… Sometimes these are made in wild places in places where humans have imposed structures upon the land, sometimes using the human made things I have brought with me. But most […]

art garments: textile art

Greer Taylor - wearable art

My textile art practice was focused on the making of art clothes over a period of about 7 years from 1986 – 1993. During those years my work was exhibited extensively in Australia as well as overseas, won awards, was included in many publications, while 2 pieces were collected by Australian regional galleries during that […]

holding infinity @ Sculpture Bermagui


Sculpture Bermagui is installed on the headland and foreshore of Bermagui, looking out to Guluga (the mother mountain) across the bay. statement This work invites each of us to build our capacity for infinity… to allow infinity to be part of our framing of the world. Modern humanity seems to have little capacity to hold […]

collecting tears @ Sculpture in the Valley, Kangaroo Valley

Greer Taylor - collecting tears - Sculpture in the Valley, Kangaroo Valley 2023

I reinstalled my large threaded work collecting tears around a very wonderful tree in a wild location as part of the Sculpture in the Valley exhibition in Kangaroo Valley. The work was awarded the Highly Commended Outdoor Sculpture Prize. The work took 6 days to install, as the site was steep a platform was required […]

how the earth cries @ reach, an IAVA exhibition at Gallery Lane Cove

Greer Taylor - how the earth cries - IAVA Group Exhibition

reach was an IAVA group exhibition held at Gallery Lane Cove — it featured work by 30 IAVA members; my work included in reach, was an installation sculpture called how the earth cries statement: This work stands to reminds each of us the that the earth herself cries, and she always has… grief is required if […]

inversion @ OpenField contemporary Art Festival, Berry

Greer Taylor - inversion - Openfield Contemporary Art Festival - Berry 2023

This work was placed near the David Berry Memorial in The Berry Memorial park as part of the OpenField Arts Festival in 2023. It was an opportunity to address our relationship with the story held within the David Berry memorial which permeates all our lives. By using a non-colour for the threading of this work […]

collecting tears @ Sculpture in the Gardens, Wollongong Botanic Gardens


image by Jessica Millman collecting tears invited visitors into see that the trees and other beings are crying and that to shed tears is a powerfully ‘composting tool’. It invited each of us to step in and and share our tears, to never be ashamed of our tears, they too are compost for the earth […]

veiling book launch and performance @ Cambewarra Community Hall

Greer Taylor, video still from veiling: grief and delight performance event, 19 November 2022. here Cacophony sings "into grief".

veiling: grief and delight was a book launch like no other — it was a performance / happening / exhibition; featuring poems from my collection veiling: grief and delight, sculpture, performance, music, photography, film… directed by my collaborator and friend Jillian O’Dowd. Please enjoy the video documentation of the event shot by Harry Kielly with […]

phases @ Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre, Nowra

Greer Taylor, phases, panted steel, 300 x 450 x 120 cm. Image by Dave Macquart

image by Dave Macquart phases was installed in forecourt of the Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre, Nowra NSW in June 2022. The work makes comment about the phases that we share our lives with and holds in its colours a reminder of the essential role photosynthesis plays in the cycles of life: from the green of leaves […]

not-doing … sensing — a Bundanon Residency

Greer Taylor - not doing ... sensing - Bundanon

In April 2019 I won the Shoalhaven Council’s reIMAGINE Sculpture Project with this sculpture and as part of that I was gifted a 2 week residency at Bundanon. It took 2 years before I could take it thanks to prior commitments, broken foot, bushfires and covid. I had decided almost immediately on receiving this gift […]

ghost trees @ Sculpture in the Garden, Wollongong

Greer Taylor - ghost trees - Wollongong Botanic Gardens

In 2021 Wollongong City Council engaged me to create a ‘growing’ sculpture over 4 weeks as part of Sculpture in the Garden at Wollongong Botanic Garden. As visitors came to the Dryland Garden site I invited them (about 350 people all up)  to contribute to this ‘growing’ sculpture which I called ghost trees. NEWS:  I […]

my patch @ Chan Sculpture Prize, Nan Tien Temple, Berkley

Greer Taylor - my patch - Nan Tien Temple 2021

Chan ∙ Art ∙ Sculpture Competition is an annual exhibition installed in the grounds of the Nan Tien Temple in Berkley, NSW Statement: How do we ‘know’ something as complex as the earth, as complex as nature? While we cannot ever know everything about nature we can come to know it better, to allow it […]

View from the Coast, at IAVA exhibition & Bowral Art Gallery

Greer Taylor, falling through, View from the Coast, Bowral Regional Gallery

This IAVA group exhibition included 2 of my small sculptures: the coming to know my patch of the earth is a conduit for coming to know the whole earth which was made for this exhibition and falling through. This was my personal statement for this exhibition: I am currently focused on work that explores perspective […]

post tension(ing) @ Sculpture in the Vineyards, Wollombi 2019

Greer Taylor - post tension(ing): a monument to yesterday's comfort - Sculpture in the Vineyards 2019

Sculpture in the Vineyards is an annual event taking place in the Wollombi are of NSW Hunter Valley, sculptures  are installed in multiples vineyards in the area. post tension(ing): a monument to yesterday’s comfort was installed in Wollombi village. Statement: Post tensioning is an engineering technique that uses cables threaded through a structure to keep it […]

ephemeral: lessons in grief @ Shoalhaven Regional Gallery, Nowra

Greer Taylor, ephemeral: lessons in grief, exhibition view at Shoalhaven Regional Gallery

This exhibition was installed in the Shoalhaven Regional Gallery’s Access Gallery, it included small scale installations, images of ephemeral artworks and poetry. Exhibition Statement: The idea and actuality of ephemeral embeds grief for that which is lost: be it our lives, a tree, a species, our planet. I have come to understand that grief is […]

post tension(ing) @reIMAGINE, Nowra

Greer Taylor - post tension(ing): a monument to yesterday's comfort - reIMAGINE Sculpture Prize 2019

≡ Awarded the reIMAGINE Sculpture Project Prize The reIMAGINE Sculpture Project called for artists, via an EOI application process, to make works from items destined for landfill.  After discussing with the recycling centre staff the issues that the Recycling Centre faces, I chose to work with discarded chairs… it seems chairs and furniture in general, […]

scissor paper rock @ Shoalhaven Regional Gallery, Nowra

Greer Taylor, ring lace collar, spray paint on aluminium, enameled copper wire, cotton thread, 10 x 29 x 23 cm, 2019

Four Shoalhaven based sculptors were invited to make jewelry in this group exhibition,  Scissor, Paper, Rock, installed in the foyer gallery of Shoalhaven Regional Gallery; the artists were: Stephanie Bray, Julie Love, Derry Messum and myself. Having spent many years making garments for the body (which I regarded as sculpture for the body) the opportunity to […]

three percent 3% @ Shoalhaven Regional Gallery, Nowra

Greer Taylor three percent 3%

three percent 3%  was installed as part of the Sea of Waste at Shoalhaven Regional Gallery to coincide with Earth Day 2017. statement: This is a work that is no more than a few sticks in a box when not installed — it needs a wall onto which it can be installed it for it […]

Ephemera, the Art of the Impermanent, Armidale Regional Gallery, Armidale

Greer Taylor - black gully festival - 2016

Ephemera, the Art of the Impermanent ran as part of the Black Gully Music Festival in November 2016 in the grounds of the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) in Armidale. Black Gully is creek land adjacent to NERAM on one side of the creek with a large community garden on the other, at the […]

red line (transect) @ Sculpture in the Vinyards, Wollombi

Greer Taylor - red line (transect) - Sculpture in the Vineyards 2016

Sculpture in the Vineyards is an annual event taking place in the Wollombi are of NSW Hunter Valley, sculptures  are installed in multiples vineyards in the area. red line (transect) was exhibited during Sculpture in the Vineyards 2016, it was installed at Undercliff Winery. statement: red line (transect): A north-south transects reflects one of the few straight lines […]

looking in / looking out @ Western Sydney University, Campbelltown


UWS Acquisitive Sculpture Award and exhibition is a biannual event taking place in the sculpture park on the ground of University of Western Sydney’s Campbelltown Campus. >>see gallery of images below<< Statement: This work creates a brain-like forest of tower-poles, wires, signals and connections, reflected in the virtual reality of the water’s surface. Hanging cables […]

spread @ [MARS] Gallery, Windsor, VIC

Greer Taylor, gallery view of SPREAD

SPREAD was installed in the Light Box Gallery, a small underground space, at [MARS] Gallery in Windsor. exhibition statement: SPREAD uses and accentuates the underground quality of the tiny gallery, narrowing the entrance, installing curved walls within the enclosed space lit only by a single light source. SPREAD acknowledge the underground connection that any stick […]

reciprocity @ Sculpture in the Vineyards, Wollombi

Greer Taylor - reciprocity - Sculpture in the Vineyards 2015

Sculpture in the Vineyards is an annual event taking place in the Wollombi are of NSW Hunter Valley, sculptures  are installed in multiples vineyards in the area. reciprocity was installed at Undercliff Winery. Statement: reciprocity is made up of a zig-zagging/push-pull structure creates an elastic web that suspends 49 pairs of sticks in a 7 x […]

crosswind @ Harbour Sculpture, North Sydney

Greer Taylor - crosswind - Harbour Sculpture 2015

≡ Awarded an AJSteel Australasia Stipend Stainless-steel cables span the spaces created by a drawing-like yellow line, generating curved transparent surfaces. Through both form and transparency crosswind changes its relationship to the landscape when viewed from different angles: from a container in which to frame the landscape; to sails floating across it; to a bridge […]

reciprocity @ Sculpture at Scenic World, Katoomba

Greer Taylor - reciprocity - Sculpture at Scenic World 2015

Sculpture at Scenic World is an annual exhibition installed along Lili Pilli Walkway in the Jamison Valley at Scenic World. statement: A living forest is a network of connections in all directions. Most of these connections are subtle happenings within the cells of a tree or deep within the soil, using simple but powerful mechanisms […]

inclusion @ Sculpture in the Vineyards, Wollombi

Greer Taylor - inclusion - Sculpture in the Vineyards 2014

Sculpture in the Vineyards is an annual event taking place in the Wollombi are of NSW Hunter Valley, sculptures  are installed in multiples vineyards in the area. In 2014 my work inclusion was invited into the 2014 exhibition. It was a wonderful site and opportunity, I installed inclusion at Undercliff Winery where the work remained installed for […]

out of rain @ Brenda May Gallery, Waterloo

Greer Taylor, concavity, 'out of rain' at Brenda May Gallery 2014

I had the wonderful experience of installing a solo exhibition at Brenda May’s Galley in 2014. The exhibition, out of rain was an exhibition of 10 small and mid sized sculptural works.   The exhibition statement: Rain has magical qualities that not only engage with all our senses, it delivers from the ‘heavens’ the essential […]

reprieve @ Western Sydney University, Campbeltown

Greer Taylor - reprieve - UWS Sculpture Award and Exhibition 2014

≡ Awarded the UWS Acquisitive Sculpture Award 2014 UWS Acquisitive Sculpture Award and exhibition is a biannual event taking place in the sculpture park on the ground of University of Western Sydney’s Campbelltown Campus — the winning work joins the the permanent collection of the sculpture park — reprieve has now joined the collection to […]

hollow earth @ Lorne Sculpture Biennale, Lorne, VIC

Greer Taylor - hollow earth - Lorne Sculpture Biennale 2014

Lorne Sculpture Biennale was an biannual exhibition installed along the Lorne foreshore statement: The earth is the vessel for our existence — it absorbs all we throw at it, while providing us with everything. This work provides a listening device that asks that we listen carefully to our earth at this delicate time. hollow earth […]

rain stories @ Melton Waves Leisure Centre, VIC

Greer Taylor, rain stories,

rain stories is a permanent installation commissioned by the Melton City Council for the Melton Waves Leisure Center, it spans the back wall of the Melton Waves Leisure Centre pool. statement This work was a way to bring the focus of pool users onto every drop, every water molecule, in the pool at the Leisure […]

inclusion @ Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi

Greer Taylor - inclusion - Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2013

Sculpture by the Sea is installed along the Coastal walk from Bondi to Tamarama in Sydney. statement: What is included and what is outside? This work blurs inside and outside. Where does our connection with inside or outside begin or end? A continuous pink line is drawn through space, creating its own shapes and interconnections. […]

resting place @ Sculpture at Scenic World, Katoomba

Greer Taylor - resting place - Sculpture at Scenic World 2013

≡ Awarded a Highly Commended Sculpture at Scenic World is an annual event,  installed along the LilliPilli walk in the Jamison Valley in Katoomba. Statement In the Jamison valley large rocks have fallen through time from the surrounding cliff faces, to end up out of their original geological context — massive reminders of the power […]

crosswind @ Montalto Sculpture Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC

Greer Taylor - cellular memory - Montalto Sculpture Prize 2013

Montalto Sculpture Prize was an annual sculpture exhibition and acquisitive prize installed in the grounds of Montalto Winery. statement: Cross-wind or cross-wind? Windings of cable span open space to create curved transparent surfaces over which winds may cross to create sound. Through both its form and transparency the work takes on many guises, changing its […]

three percent 3% @ Brenda May Gallery, Waterloo, NSW

Greer Taylor, three percent 3%, at Brenda May Gallery, Sculpture 2013

I had the pleasure of installing three percent 3% at Brenda May Gallery during the exhibition Sculpture 2013. Statement: 3% might seem a small amount. +/- 3% is the per annum economic growth our governments encourage, to “ensure” jobs and to maintain our lifestyle. The reality is though, that a 3% per annum growth, leads […]

inversion @ Sculpture by the Sea on 7, David Jones, Sydney, NSW

Greer Taylor - inversion - Sculpture by the Sea on Seven 2013

In January of 2013 Sculpture by the Sea mounted an exhibition of a selection of works from the 2012 Bondi exhibition in the 7th floor gallery in David Jones, Elizabeth Street in Sydney: sculpture by the Sea on Seven. The beautiful light filled space with its tall windows provided a wonderful location for large sculpture.  […]

zero&one @ [MARS] Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC

Greer Taylor, zero&one gallery view

This solo exhibition was installed in [MARS] Gallery’s Port Melbourne space — a wonderful old warehouse space that allowed this artist unlimited opportunities to engaging with space. exhibition statement: The universe is an agglomeration of repeated elements: from leaves on a tree to breaths in a life, to the photons in a light wave. In […]

transition @ Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi, NSW

Greer Taylor - transition - Sculpture by the Sea 2012

Sculpture by the Sea is an annual exhibition installed along the coastal walk from Bondi to Tamarama statement: This work holds 2 transparent funnels, one rounded edged turned down towards the earth, the other square edged facing upward to the sky… one form transitions into the other through the intentional holding of a small but […]

facet @ Western Sydney University, Campbeltown ,NSW

Greer Taylor - facet - UWS Sculpture Prize and Exhibition 2012

≡ Awarded a Highly Commended UWS Acquisitive Sculpture Award and exhibition is a biannual event taking place in the sculpture park on the ground of University of Western Sydney’s Campbelltown Campus. Statement: This transparent form contains reminders of a rectangular prism that is unable to remain still, or is convinced of its form. The work […]

descend @ The Hanging Space, Thirroul, NSW

Greer Taylor - descend - Thirroul 2012

descend was installed in the IAVA gallery The Hanging Space in Thirroul. exhibition statement: These paintings are about vulnerability and change, mortality and fragility… They are about our need as modern humans to acknowledge that we are fallible and mortal. And that in that acknowledgement we become more as we surrender to the truth of […]

vortex @ Sculpture on the Edge, Bermagui, NSW

Greer Taylor - vortex - Sculpture on the Edge 2012

Sculpture on the Edge (now called Sculpture Bermagui) is held on the Headland in Bermagui on the Sapphire Coast of NSW. statement: vortex …a funnel to another frame of mind, a new dimension of time and space – posing a question of perspective and courage. 150 sets of threads define a transparent vortex, looking out across […]

distant time @ Sculpture at Scenic World, Katoomba, NSW

Greer Taylor - distant time - Sculpture at Scenic World 2012

≡ Awarded the inaugural Acquisitive Sculpture at Scenic World Prize Sculpture at Scenic World 2012 was the inaugural sculpture exhibition at Scenic World at Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. It featured 26 sculptures placed in the rainforest along the Lilli Pilli Walk Way. Statement: …is time in fact linear? does it stack neatly one moment upon another? […]

imprint @ 37, Wollongong City Gallery, Wollongong, NSW

Greer Taylor - imprint - Wollongong City Gallery 2011

During 2011 I taught digital skills for artists at West Wollongong TAFE. As a member of the TAFE Art School teaching staff I was invited to be part of the annual teacher’s exhibition for that year, the 37th year of the event (hence its title), to be held at the Wollongong City Gallery in the […]

cellular memory @ Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi

Greer Taylor - cellular memory - Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2011

≡ Received a Special Mention and noted by founding director David Handley as one of his favorite works in that years exhibition. The Sculpture by the Sea exhibition features about a 100 sculptures installed along the Bondi to Tamarama walk in Sydney. cellular memory was  installed on the stormwater outfall on Tamarama beach. statement: In […]

in contact @ Project Contemporary ArtSpace, Wollongong, NSW

Greer Taylor, in contact, nylon thread, stainless steel cable, pins, paint on wood, available height x 350 x 350 cm

in contact was installed as part of Projecting Forward at Project Contemporary ArtSpace statement The act of making contact is the act of connecting and when multiple contacts are made and connections maintained, spaces of possibility are created. We occupy spaces; we make spaces; but we most often take space and spaces for granted — […]

tumble @ Lorne Sculpture Biennale, Lorne, VIC

Greer Taylor, 'tumble' at Lorne 2011

≡ Awarded a special mention The Lorne Sculpture Biennale 2011 was installed along the foreshore of Lorne, about Statement: While waves tumble and waste onto the nearby shore this work threatens to tumble towards the sea. Its fluid rippling form is though, held firm to the hillside – a connecting element embedding within its form […]

vortex @ Swell, Currumbin, QLD

Greer Taylor - vortex - Swell Sculpture Festival 2011

Swell Sculpture Festival is an annual Sculpture exhibition installed along Currumbin Beach and foreshore statement: vortex acts like a funnel to another frame of mind, a new dimension of time and space – posing a question of perspective and courage. Here resting on the beach one wonders if it is listening to the sea as […]

string theory @ [MARS] Gallery, Port Melbourne, VIC

Greer Taylor, fragile surface with gallery view

[MARS] Gallery provided the opportunity to install this solo show in their wonderful upstairs gallery. exhibition statement These works are part of an ongoing series called “string theory” exploring the idea of infinity and repetition, looking at strings as they refer to both scientific string theory and textiles: Scientific string theory is a quantum theory […]

cellular memory @ Montalto Sculpture Prize, Mornington Peninsula, VIC

Greer Taylor - cellular memory - Montalto Sculpture Prize 2011

In 2010 I placed a work, in this same location during the Montalto 2010 exhibition – it took the form of a cone, titled my feet grow root and my soul touches the sky (see here) and talked of my connection to and memory of land. This new work is like an after image of […]

catch @ Wollongong Art Gallery, Wollongong. NSW

Greer Taylor, catch (detail), painted PVC pipe, plastic thread, painted wooden dowel - pipe 5.75 metres. Imaged by Bernie Fischer

This work was installed in parallel with an exhibition aimed at children called Picture This; catch was installed in the atrium space in the centre of the gallery — it could be seen from each floor. On the floor where Picture This was installed, the central tube of the work was at child level, inviting […]

fragile surface @ Wollongong Art Gallery, NSW

Greer Taylor, fragile surface

local:current  was an annual survey of 10 local artists at Wollongong Art Gallery — fragile surface was included in the 2010 iteration. fragile surface suspended a trapezoid surface of knitted wire pulled from above and below into a topography… a analogy for our earth’s fragile surface, strong but fragile and like knitting, begins falling apart […]

vortex @ Yering Station Sculpture Prize, Yering, VIC

Greer Taylor - vortex - Yering Station Sculpture Exhibition and Awards 2010

The Yering Station Sculpture Exhibition and Awards is an annual sculpture exhibition installed in the elegant grounds of the Yering Station Winery. Statement: Settled on the grassy lawns of Yering Station as if from another plane, vortex acts like a funnel to another frame of mind, a new dimension of time and space – posing a […]

grid @ Project Contemporary ArtSpace, Wollongong, NSW

Greer Taylor, GRID, exhibition view

GRID was installed in the Small Wall Gallery in Project Contemporary Art space in Wollongong exhibition statement Grids can be both complex and simple. The work in GRID expose in their grided form a tangle of opposites, reinforcing this dichotomy:                       order   |    chaos                     simple   |    complex                       finite   |    infinite […]

pink room @ #1 Jamberoo, NSW

Greer Taylor, pink room, from top left: bent | echo | incubation ii | incubation i

The newly opened Number 10 Art Precinct in Jamberoo hosted a room of my work for 2 months. exhibition statement These pink works are about vulnerability, change, fragility — the ongoingingness of our existence. They are also a questioning of the seemingly linear experience we have of time. before, echo, passing, bent, incubation… the work’s […]

connect -@ Thirroul Community Centre and Library, Thirroul, NSW

Greer Taylor - connect - Thirroul

This 14.4 metre long mural is installed on the northern wall of the Thirroul Library, it spans the whole width of the wall above the book shelves … statement: The mural tracks a timeline that tell the story of the Illawarra region from prehistory to now, a ‘storyline ribbon’ runs through it. the story begins […]

night visits @ Blacktown Art Prize, NSW

Greer Taylor, night visits, acrylic, felt, doll needles, plastic thread, paint on MDF, 25 x 25 x 25 cm. Image by Alex Wisser

night visits was finalist in the Blacktown City Art Prize in 2010. artwork statement Night visits every 24 hours — part of the cycle of our existence — the very nature of being on this planet. Night is a time of dreams, darkness, the moon, caves, sex, fear, joy, falling, creatures, entrapment, rest, change… Sometimes […]

welcome banners @ Thirroul Community Centre and Library, Thirroul, NSW

The welcome banner project was one of four public art projects commissioned for the exterior of the Community Centre: a storyline pathway, seating, stormwater grates and welcome banners. The Centre was opened in May 2009. statement The four banner poles with their eight different faces were conceived to create a vibrant and colourful welcome for […]

SLICE @ Project Contemporary ArtSpace, Wollongong, NSW

Greer Taylor, gallery view, from left: spread | leafsling | cube | ground | to breath

SLICE was installed in Project Contemporary ArtSpace. SLICE was an exhibition in evolution — work came into being over the course of the exhibition, providing an opportunity for visitors to see part of the process of making art. You can view a video interview made at the end of the exhibition below. exhibition statement The […]

random order @ Hazelhurst Gallery, NSW

gallery view from left: around GT, Cumulus AK, Sisters AK, chrysalis GT, my feet grow roots and my soul touches the sky GT

@ Hazelhurst Gallery, Hazelhurst Exhibition statement Random Order comments on how nature expresses itself in patterns; the idiosyncratic way a constellation of stars decorates the night sky; how flowers sit on a bush — spaced almost evenly, but not quite. Random Order is the title of a joint exhibition by Illawarra artists Greer Taylor and Alena Kennedy, opening […]

echo @ Calleen Art Awards, Cowra Art Gallery. Cowra,NSW

Greer Taylor, echo, acrylic on board, 120 x 184 cm, 2009

≡ Awarded a commendation The Calleen Art Award is an acquisitive prize was founded in 1977 through a gift by Patricia Fagan OAM, the winning work joins the Calleen Art Collection. Statement: We live a time-driven existence but in the reality of the universe, time in our terms is meaningless. echo work explores timelessness. timelessness interacting […]

between-illawarra @ TAP Gallery , Darlinghurst, NSW

Greer Taylor

TAP Gallery, Darlinghurst is an inner city artist run space, making it an ideal stepping off point for further exhibition out side the Illawarra. Exhibition statement The work in this show is inspired by the place where I live – the Illawarra, but it goes beyond the physical space of the Illawarra as it is […]

landstract paintings

Greer Taylor - white thoughts

In 2008 I was Artist in Residence on the ship Lubov Orlova traveling to the Antarctic peninsula, a short trip of 10 days all up. I came home to make a number of paintings that were an attempt to embed the power of landscape that I witnessed and felt in those few days of visiting […]

pink black and white paintings

Greer Taylor - pink, black and white paintings

This series of paintings made over about 4 years (2008 — 2012) after which time I focused on making sculpture.  Most of these works were on board — two of the small works on found warped packing crate boards. Using a limited palette of pink, black and white they explore the macro and micro of […]

getting lost @ Karoona Gallery, West Wollongong TAFE, NSW

Greer Taylor, making connections, found metal offcuts, paint on metal, string, sand, chicken wire, 80 x 80 x 80 cm

Karoon Gallery is the West Wollongong TAFE art gallery space — each month a new exhibition took place — I managed to jump in to install getting lost when a month became unexpectedly available. This was an opportunity to curate the works I had been making in the sculpture studio into a exhibition; its title […]

next project

Sculpture in the Gardens 2025
Wollongong Botanic Gardens, Wollongong, NSW

This public engagement project will grow a forest of love and reverence for the living green world. Dates: April 2025