Chan ∙ Art ∙ Sculpture Competition is an annual exhibition installed in the grounds of the Nan Tien Temple in Berkley, NSW
How do we ‘know’ something as complex as the earth, as complex as nature?
While we cannot ever know everything about nature we can come to know it better, to allow it to seep into our bones… and getting to know a small part is a way to do that – in fact it is the only way to do it. Most of what we will come to know will not be ‘consciously known’ but will seep into our being, the most powerful knowing of all — because it teaches us we are the land and the land is us. Yes this thinking is contrary to what we are currently too often taught, but I find the status quo hard to accept — it seems ever more contrary to nature as our current predicaments demonstrate.
We are in a time where regeneration is required: regeneration of both the land and of our minds. These both happen in a local (my patch) way first then spiral out to the wider world.