≡ Awarded a Highly Commended
UWS Acquisitive Sculpture Award and exhibition is a biannual event taking place in the sculpture park on the ground of University of Western Sydney’s Campbelltown Campus.
This transparent form contains reminders of a rectangular prism that is unable to remain still, or is convinced of its form. The work is intended to destabilise and question both comprehension and vision.
I would like to thank:
- Joseph, Deborah and Jennifer for their assistance in installing
- Pipe and Tube Fittings for their assistance in fabrication of the frame
- Tim Filson, IWRLifting, Abelia Repetition Engineering and Jubilee Springs for putting up with the drawn out process of decision making
- Monica McMahon and UWS for making this happen.
UWS Sculpture Awards and Exhibition 2012 dates were: 5 May – 3 June 2012