SPREAD was installed in the Light Box Gallery, a small underground space, at [MARS] Gallery in Windsor.
exhibition statement:
SPREAD uses and accentuates the underground quality of the tiny gallery, narrowing the entrance, installing curved walls within the enclosed space lit only by a single light source.
SPREAD acknowledge the underground connection that any stick carries in its form: nutrients held within the soil are sucked up through the roots of a tree assembling to create the cells that build a tree… and each of its sticks.
The exhibition takes its name from the work: spread. spread is a ‘fall’ made from hundreds of ‘y’-shaped sticks tied together with fine wire. A filigree of connections spreads across a single curved plane like the interconnected blanket of nature spreading across the surface of the planet. And like nature, spread is vulnerable if damage – if any part is broken the whole is weakened and likely to fall apart. The dark mirror at the base of the fall creates in a deep virtual hole, penetrating the gallery floor.