three percent 3%

Greer Taylor, three percent 3%, at Brenda May Gallery, Sculpture 2013
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I had the pleasure of installing three percent 3% at Brenda May Gallery during the exhibition Sculpture 2013.


3% might seem a small amount.

+/- 3% is the per annum economic growth our governments encourage, to “ensure” jobs and to maintain our lifestyle.

The reality is though, that a 3% per annum growth, leads to is a doubling of the original value in 20 years!

This works uses sticks, alligator clips and cotton thread installed into a swelling in the wall to explore this reality and its implications. By using sticks, an object with low economic value a thing grown by a tree, together with the grasping hold of alligator clips bound with red cotton thread, three aspects of our relationship with nature are exposed:

That which we discard and regard as valueless : sticks…………………
That which we dig out of the ground and turn into shiny consumables : metal…………………
That which we grow from the earth to turn into consumables : cotton………………..

The upright and parallel-like arrangement of the sticks evokes the arrangement of a forest as it ebbs and flows in density and intensity; the growing sparseness along its outer reaches: changes in landscape… and endings…

three percent 3% is a work that evokes the beauty and tragedy of our modern situation.

Can our planet cope with our demands?

This work was first installed at Line of Sight see here

Sculpture 2013 at Brenda May Gallery dates were: 23 January — 9 February 2013

three percent 3%
found sticks, alligator clips, cotton thread, wood, paint, 30 x 380 x 5 cm, 2011
